This fictional, rhyming Christmas tale tells the story of Swansea Jack who helps Santa when he gets into a bit of trouble on Christmas Eve. As Santa tries to deliver toys to the children of Swansea, he faces some unexpected problems that could prove catastrophic. Beautifully illustrated, this paperback book is a wonderful gift for younger children.
Size: 40 pages including cover (210mm x 210mm)
Material: Pages printed on quality 170gsm paper. Cover printed on 350gsm card and laminated with gold foil.
Binding: Perfect bound (no nasty staples)
Delivery: We are taking pre-orders now and the books will be shipped on 16th November. £1.95 p+p flat rate per order to single address. Delivery to UK mainland only. Orders will be sent by Royal Mail, please allow 3-5 working days for delivery. If you are outside the UK, email us with your location and quantity of books required and we’ll get back to you with a quote.
© Copyright Swansea Jack Publishing 2023